Perkitech Software Solutions

Perkitech Software Solutions

Yes, this is admittedly a bit of a “cheat”. I’m the proverbial new-kid-on-the-block and I’m running with what I have. Deal with it.   Company: Perkitech Software Solutions, LLC (DBA: Perktiech)
One “Always”, One “Never”

One “Always”, One “Never”

In grammar and general conversation, “Always” and “Never” are two words that many point to as being particularly dangerous and to be used very sparingly. Ironically, some go as far as to say that you should never use the words at all. While...
When Prospects Offer Referrals As Payment…

When Prospects Offer Referrals As Payment…

Freelancers largely live and die by referrals. Their future work tends to come from people who heard good things about their efforts from previous clients. Most people understand this concept and, unfortunately, there are more than a handful who attempt to exploit it....
Digital Drawing Devices (Part One)

Digital Drawing Devices (Part One)

Sooner or later, likely later given that I currently can’t draw to save my soul as you’ll see in a moment, I intend to offer logo design services to my future clients. An introductory Udemy course that I took on the matter pretty much hammered in the nail...


I was recently out with a friend who mentioned that one of his larger concerns surrounding at least testing the freelance waters by taking on more direct positions with potential clients was his concern about making mistakes. That’s not to say that mistakes...