The First Thing You Should Do With Any New WordPress Site

The First Thing You Should Do With Any New WordPress Site

The developers at WordPress, pride themselves on the ease with which their software can be setup to have a site running, going as far as to call it the “Famous 5-Minute Install”. This is hardly bravado as the process is truly that quick and simplistic. To be honest,...
WordPress 101 Finale – The “Wild Wild Web”

WordPress 101 Finale – The “Wild Wild Web”

If you’re new here, be sure to checkout parts one, two, and three. In this final part of this post series, we will be discussing hosting companies in relation to website in general, though the material will definitely apply to WordPress sites. Now this is where you’ll...
WordPress 101 – Going “Local”

WordPress 101 – Going “Local”

This is the third in a four-part series on getting started with WordPress. In the previous article, I explained how you could literally go from zero-to-live-site in about a total of 10-15 odd minutes through the hosting arm of WordPress at In this...